Linear Speed, Angular Speed and Arc Length!!!

Linear Speed Example #1
A wheel in a large machine has a diameter of 28 ft and rotates at 1200 revolutions a min. How fast is a point on the circumference of the wheel in mi/hr?

1.Write equation

2.Convert revolutions to radians

3.Fill in equation w/ information

4.Convert from ft/min to mi/hr

5.Write answer

Linear Speed Example #2
A wheel in a large machine has a radius of 2500000 in and rotates at 5000000 revolutions a sec. How fast is a point on the circumference of the wheel in ft/min?

1.Write equation

2.Convert revolutions to radians

3.Fill in equation w/ information

4.Convert from in/sec to ft/min

5.Write answer

Linear Speed Example #3
A wheel in a large machine has a diameter of 100 mi and rotates at 1000 revolutions a hour. How fast is a point on the circumference of the wheel in in/sec?

Angular Speed Example #1
A cable car has a linear speed of 9.55 mi/hr and wheels w/ a diameter of 8.5ft. How fast are the wheel rotating in rev/min?

1.Convert to radians

2.Fill in equation w/ infotmation

3.Convert from rad/hr to rev/min

4.Write answer

Angular Speed Example #2
A cable car has a linear speed of 35mi/hr and wheels w/ a radius of 9 ft. How fast are the wheel rotating in rev/sec?

1.Convert to radians

2.Fill in equation w/ information

3.Convert from rad/hr to rev/min

4.Write answer

Angular Speed Example #3
A cable car has a linear speed of 5000ft/sec and wheels w/ a diameter of 10 ft. How fast are the wheel rotating in rev/hr?

Arc Length Example #1
You notcie the clock going faster than normal in class. You time it to see how fast it's going. You notice it takes 1 second to travel 75°. How many cm has the clock hand moved if you know the radius of the clock is 6 in long?

1. Write equation

2.Convert degrees to radians

3. Fill in equation w/ information

4.Convert from in to cm

5.Write answer

Arc Length Example #2
You notcie the clock going faster than normal in class. You time it to see how fast it's going. You notice it takes 2 seconds to travel 210°. How many cm has the clock hand moved if you know the radius of the clock is 2 in long?

1. Write equation

2.Convert degrees to radians

3. Fill in equation w/ information

4.Convert from in to cm

5.Write answer

Arc Length Example #3
You notcie the clock going slower than normal in class. You time it to see how fast it's going. You notice it takes 3 seconds to travel 30°. How many cm has the clock hand moved if you know the radius of the clock is 6 in long? (Find the answer to this problem on the "other" page.)