Linear Speed, Angular Speed and Arc Length!!!

Linear Speed Example #1
A carousel with a 25 ft radius makes 4 revolutions per minute. Convert to in/sec and mi/hr.

1.Convert revolutions to radians

2.Write equation

3.Fill in equation w/ information

4.Convert from ft/min to in/sec

5.Write answer

6.Convert from in/sec to mi/hr

7.Write answer

Linear Speed Example #2
A carousel with a 50 m radius makes 20 revolutions per hour. Convert to km/min and in/sec.

1.Convert revolutions to radians

2.Write equation

3.Fill in equation w/ information

4.Convert from m/hr to in/sec

5.Write answer

6.Convert from in/sec to km/hr

7.Write answer

Linear Speed Example #3
A carousel with a 250 cm radius makes 5 revolutions per min. Convert to m/hr and km/sec. (Find answer to this problem on "other" page.)

Angular Speed Example #1
The lawn mower wheels have a 7.5 radius and a linear speed of 25 in/min. Convert to rev/sec and rev/hr.

1.Write Equation

2.Fill in w/ given information

3.Convert from rad/min to rev/sec

4.Write answer

5.Convert from rad/min to rev/hr

6.Write answer

Angular Speed Example #2
The lawn mower wheels have a .0005mi radius and a linear speed of 1 mi/hr. Convert to rev/sec and rev/min. 

1.Convert to radians

2.Write Equation

3.Fill in w/ given information

4.Convert from rad/min to rev/sec

5.Write answer

6.Convert from rad/min to rev/hr

7.Write answer

Angular Speed Example #3
The lawn mower wheels have a 20cm radius and a linear speed of 2000 cm/min. Convert to rev/sec and rev/hr. (Find the Answer to this problem on "other" page.)

Arc Length Example #1
The needle on a compass moves 30° and has a radius of 3.5 cm. Find the distance traveled in inches.

1. Write equation

2.Conver degrees to radians

3. Fill in equation w/ information

4. Convert from cm to in

5.Write answer

Arc Length Example #2
The needle on a compass moves 65° and has a radius of 1 in. Find the distance traveled in inches.

1. Write equation

2.Conver degrees to radians

3. Fill in equation w/ information

4. Convert from in to m

5.Write answer

Arc Length Example #3
The needle on a compass moves 145° and has a radius of 7 cm. Find the distance traveled in inches. (Find the answer to this problem on the "other" page.)